Friday 21 March 2014

Apparently I'm rather getting into this blogging thing! Lol. I'll edit later, before I actually tell anyone I'm blogging... one thing I've found, is that running makes me want to run. Running with some good music makes me want to run more, get the blood flowing. I'm sitting at my desk, listening to my running playlist and want to go and run again. Like now. Unfortunately I can't. I can't even at lunch either, but it's a great feeling, and it's been missing lately.

However, I swear, due to running more this week than I have, that's why my knee is bothering me this morning. :( Hopefully it'll chill out soon. I'm still crossing my fingers for a run tomorrow morning! However I did hear this horrible, awful rumour of... snow. *sob*.
Well, I managed to get my butt out of bed this morning to go for a 5k run! I woke up at 4:15am, said eh, washroom then I get to go back to sleep for a whole 'nother hour! Woot! ... then I realized that no, the time projected onto my ceiling is still an hour behind... it was 5:15. :( Well, I was already awake, no point in going back to sleep for 15 minutes, I  knew I wouldn't get up, so I got dressed and headed out the door. It was cold. Dark. But rather nice. It's been too long since I've been able to run outside (in my neighbourhood). There were still icy patches but I was able to avoid them. I managed the long hill without stopping. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to do my 5k without stopping though, but forgave myself when I realized I've doubled my mileage from last week... still working on getting it back up to a decent level.

It was a bit difficult at first. Colder than I expected. I wished I'd brought my gloves, so I folded over the ends of the sleeves of my jacket and held on. It took a bit of mental power to keep going for the first couple of hundred meters, but then I was able to get into a rhythm and it was great. Just cruising along, listening to my running playlist, looking around at all there was to see... at around 6am. It's still dark out. I actually saw a raccoon. Thought it was a cat and almost approached it, but glad I didn't... :).

While I really find the treadmill quite boring, I've realized that it's easier in some respects. Out of pure laziness actually, it's easier to go for longer. Changing speeds is a pain in the... behind. So it's easier to convince myself to keep going. I also know that I wont run again well after I stop. However, outside it's much easier to stop, but also to start again. Something to get used to again. I've been running outside on the weekends with my boyfriend, which makes it easier to not stop, but running alone, it's easier to say nah, I need the break.

I'm taking my running gear with me this weekend. Hopefully I can get another 5k out of this week. Fingers crossed!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Well, two pieces of good news, first I got my run in! At a 6:30 pace so 32:30 for 5k! Also, it may just be decent enough weather to go running outside tomorrow morning! I will need to double check the sidewalks and whatnot, but that would be great!
Hmm. This is actually the second time I've started a blog. I wonder if I will keep up with it?

I guess I'd like to start putting out some of my occasional good recipes (that I actually make up on my own!), updates on my running, that sort of thing. We'll see how this goes!

Plan for today: Run at lunch time. I've been running 5k. Tuesday was at 7km/h, so in 35ish minutes. Yesterday I started at 6:30 for the first half and down to 7 for the second. Hopefully I can keep it up at 6:30 today!

I actually ran 5k in under 30 minutes a few weeks ago, twice. But my schedule (and motivation) have been all over the map so I haven't gotten back up to that. I'd love to consistently do 30 minutes. That's my goal probably for the next two months, get back up there and do it consistently. And then do it outside (where I prefer to run).

Speaking of, I wonder what the weather's like tomorrow... maybe I could run outside in the morning... hmm.